Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner
Diploma Program
About the Program
This program qualifies graduates of the Acupuncture & Moxibustion Program to become a Registered TCM Practitioner (R.TCMP). For students who have previously completed the Acupuncture & Moxibustion Program, we offer a post-graduate diploma of the TCMP program which can be completed in just 1 year of studying full time (including a summer term).
Otherwise, the regular TCMP diploma can be achieved in 3 years of full-time studies. In addition to teaching acupuncture and moxibustion, the program integrates extensive herbology coursework and covers the main specialties of Chinese medicine, such as internal and external medicine, gynecology, and paediatrics. Interested students can also take both the Acu and PG-TCMP program simultaneously in a 3 Year TCMP Program.
Both programs qualify graduates to write the Pan-Canadian regulatory examinations and to become a Registered TCM Practitioner (R.TCMP).
The USA TCMP is recognized by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, NCCAOM. The NCCAOM offers credentials to our graduates and the NCCAOM exam is used in 47 states (all except New York, California and Illinois).